who we are

We are a Christ-centered adult male addiction recovery ministry in Middle Tennessee. We're dedicated to helping individuals find freedom from addiction and discover a renewed sense of purpose in their lives. Our program spans over 12 months, providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to recovery. We believe that true healing comes from surrendering to the power of Christ and embracing His love and grace.


Serving Jesus by helping men help themselves.

We know that it’s not enough to get set free; we must help men learn to stay set free. We welcome you into our mission.

you belong here

We believe the answer to addiction is Christian community. We were not meant to do life alone. When you come to Renewed Life, you’ll feel the support of true fellowship because you are part of this family.

testimonies from graduates

so if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

john 8:36

alex j.

I have had a history of drugs, jail, probation, and fighting with people until now. RLMO has been a blessing to me from brotherhood to the group leaders and people at the churches we go to. I've learned how to grow my faith in God, be a better person, and how to actually live and work a steady job, eat, sleep, and breathe freely.

carson w.

I called RLMO because I was sick and tired of doing those quick programs and relapsing. This place is a safe place for men of all backgrounds to find who they are in Christ, not only get sober, but find true freedom. This is a judgement-free zone for men to freely express whatever issues or feelings you have.

brian s.

"RLMO has provided me with structure, stability, and opportunity. I've struggled most my life with acceptance and rejection, but since being here God has shown me more love and I've never felt more accepted. The community family that I am surrounded with daily allows me to know and feel that I am not alone."

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